Thursday, May 26, 2011

Beautiful days.

What a pity. These past 2 days had been such lovely days, with the sun shinning just right, and weather maybe a little too hot but that's ok. I come from Singapore after all. Alas I can't enjoy them, since I'm stuck indoors studying.

Come Friday I will be liberated, but before that I'll have to pass my classes. I don't ask for A's, because I sure as hell didn't come for Erasmus to bury my head in books. I came to discover myself, make new friends, see the world. In some sense I have done all these.

Nothing lasts forever. I just can't believe I'm going to leave this beautiful city very soon. When will I walk Charles Bridge during dusk I know not. When will I suffer in cold with my friends, queuing up for hotdogs after late night partying? It is sad to leave these things behind, but at least I have experienced these, met these friends. There will be opportunities to meet them again. Yes, I am a sentimental guy, I hope things can stay as it is but life isn't a bed of roses. Especially for me. So I count myself lucky. In fact, if I were to stay in Prague without these friends then the city loses it's charm to me. Yes I may be able to live in Prague, but my friends will be elsewhere, away from me. Of course I will probably never get to live in Prague, since I can't speak Czech for nuts and them being so xenophobic.

Once my exams are over, I'm going to really explore Prague with my friends, cherish my time with them and just sit in cafes, watching the world go by. Such luxuries will soon be out of reach. I have a couple of poems to write. One for kiki, my sister from another mother whom I promised I will write. A fitting farewell gift. Another for Tingtung, for her upcoming birthday.

I love poetry. I recently bought a first edition collection of poems by Robert Payne, I might have mentioned that in my previous entry. Or haven't I? Well anyways I want to take my book and head to Cafe Slavia, one of my favourite cafes in Prague because of the ambience, with the afternoon sun pouring in through the glass windows, and a spectacular view of the Prague Castle at the back.

Maybe one day I will muster up the courage to send my poems to a critic. But having next to nothing in experience in literature makes me extremely self-conscious. My friends said they love my poems, but they are no experts themselves, so I wouldn't know. I hope one day one of my poems will be published. Fingers crossed.

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