Saturday, October 12, 2013

There and back again

I have not written in a really long time and quite frankly, I don't know where to begin. It's been more than 2 years since my brief stay in Prague and I've changed a lot since then. Then again, so did everyone else.

Perhaps my first comeback to writing should be kept short. It's really been a while.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

1 last journey

All good things must come to an end. With the blink of an eye, my 5 months in Prague is coming to an end. I have done much since the last entry. I've visited Poland, Germany, Switzerland, Cesky Krumlov, Ireland, in Austria now and will be heading to Italy.

Of these countries I had the most fun in Ireland, partly because I just love everything Irish, and also because I went with someone I like dearly. The days following our eventual parting was extremely difficult. We had a good last few days, and I can't believe I won't be seeing her any time soon. By any time I mean at least 6 months. ):

I will do what I can to make her mine, and for us to work. I like her too much for her to slip me by. Girl, you maybe like the breeze, coming and go, but let me be the cloud that goes where the breeze goes. (:

P.S. I miss you.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Beautiful days.

What a pity. These past 2 days had been such lovely days, with the sun shinning just right, and weather maybe a little too hot but that's ok. I come from Singapore after all. Alas I can't enjoy them, since I'm stuck indoors studying.

Come Friday I will be liberated, but before that I'll have to pass my classes. I don't ask for A's, because I sure as hell didn't come for Erasmus to bury my head in books. I came to discover myself, make new friends, see the world. In some sense I have done all these.

Nothing lasts forever. I just can't believe I'm going to leave this beautiful city very soon. When will I walk Charles Bridge during dusk I know not. When will I suffer in cold with my friends, queuing up for hotdogs after late night partying? It is sad to leave these things behind, but at least I have experienced these, met these friends. There will be opportunities to meet them again. Yes, I am a sentimental guy, I hope things can stay as it is but life isn't a bed of roses. Especially for me. So I count myself lucky. In fact, if I were to stay in Prague without these friends then the city loses it's charm to me. Yes I may be able to live in Prague, but my friends will be elsewhere, away from me. Of course I will probably never get to live in Prague, since I can't speak Czech for nuts and them being so xenophobic.

Once my exams are over, I'm going to really explore Prague with my friends, cherish my time with them and just sit in cafes, watching the world go by. Such luxuries will soon be out of reach. I have a couple of poems to write. One for kiki, my sister from another mother whom I promised I will write. A fitting farewell gift. Another for Tingtung, for her upcoming birthday.

I love poetry. I recently bought a first edition collection of poems by Robert Payne, I might have mentioned that in my previous entry. Or haven't I? Well anyways I want to take my book and head to Cafe Slavia, one of my favourite cafes in Prague because of the ambience, with the afternoon sun pouring in through the glass windows, and a spectacular view of the Prague Castle at the back.

Maybe one day I will muster up the courage to send my poems to a critic. But having next to nothing in experience in literature makes me extremely self-conscious. My friends said they love my poems, but they are no experts themselves, so I wouldn't know. I hope one day one of my poems will be published. Fingers crossed.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


These past few days had been such a blast for me. I went out with great friends on a late thursday night to take whacky photos at Charles bridge, wandered around with someone special yesterday and had great lunch and an excellent haircut today. I'm going skydiving in 9 hours and I can hardly wait.

I can't believe my luck these days. Well first of all there's that. And second of all I found a rare 1st edition collection of Poems by Robert Payne for only 300kc! And who can forget 100kc for early editions of LOTR and The Hobbit.

These good things came too late, and I wish they would last for much longer. But however fleeting it is, I am glad that I have experienced so much, seen so much and made so many wonderful friends. It will be a hard departure come 19th July, but I know I will see them again.

I think I have decided not to go to Romania after Greece. I want to spend 1 whole week in Prague, absorbing all the sights and sounds, revisiting my favourite haunts and cafes. I just wish you'll be here still then.

No words can describe how I feel right now. Not one word.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I found myself.

Wow. How time flies. I have been in Prague for over 2 months, with just 2 1/2 months left in Europe. I've really enjoyed my time here. There were highs and lows, but mostly highs. I discovered that I can actually dance, well a little, and I've met so many wonderful people. I've learnt how to live my life, how to live and let live, and my Chinese improved!

I can't begin to explain how much I cherish this experience, and how it has changed me forever. The friends I made here will go back to their separate lives, but like the Chinese proverb goes, 不在乎天长地久,只在乎曾经拥有. Loosely translated, It doesn't matter if it doesn't last forever, it only matters that we had it before.

These friends, I will keep them in mind, and visit them if I ever go to their country. I guess I managed to find myself here. Though I will be heading home soon, A part of me will still be here, etched in stone, and maybe slowly erode away with time. 

Let me tell a little story.

Once, there was a boy. He lived most of his post-teenage life in gloom and despair, and saw the world through a grey filter. He struggled against his inner demons, but loved a girl with a ferocious passion. She was a fleeting thing, and soon drifted out of his reach. He fell, of course, into the dark abyss in which he almost climbed out of. 

No one reached in to him, he didn't bother climbing out again. One day, he knew this couldn't go on. If he wants to be happy, he needs to find it. So he tried to climb out again, and fate would had it that he climbed out on the otherside of the world. 

He met many interesting people, learnt how to live, and saw the world in a different light. 

So here I am. I have traded my half-empty glass for a half-full one. 


Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I've been behaving rather weirdly lately. I need to get my act together.

Anyways in 9 hours time I will be heading to Brno, and 15 hours later I will be on a flight to Rome!

Italia, the one country I had always wanted to go. Wait for me, I'm well on my way.